الخميس، 3 سبتمبر 2015

What causes Hyperhidrosis?

As with any ailment, understanding how it develops is the key to treating it. So what are the causes of Hyperhidrosis? 
For reasons unclear to researchers, extreme sweating occurs when the sympathetic nervous system goes into overdrive. There also seems to be a hereditary component to the condition, as some sufferers claim to have a relative with Hyperhidrosis.
So, putting aside the hereditary factors, (because there’s not much we can do about those!), let’s turn our attentions to the other cause – over-activity of the sympathetic nervous system… 
Although nobody seems to understand the exact cause of our problem, we do know that the normal bodily process of sweating is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) – as explained above. It therefore follows that if we are sweating excessively, as in the case of Hyperhidrosis, 

the SNS must be working too hard or undergoing too much stimulation in some way. Many doctors feel that when the sympathetic nerves are over stimulated too much of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine is produced. Too much of this chemical present next to the sweat glands stimulates them to produce large amounts of fluid.

It makes sense then, if we are to reduce or control excessive sweating, we need to reduce activities and substances that stimulate the nervous system.

It is on this principle that my treatment program rests. We’ll come to the program in a moment but first let’s have a quick look at some of the other treatments that are currently available for Hyperhidrosis.

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